Setting up the ISSPA environment
The first step to interact with ISSPA, is to learn how to use the ISSPA source code and how PA (Pyhsical Agents) are launched! Specifically, we will guide you on how to setup your system with respect to the following topics:
Developing Environment
We recommend using Ubuntu 20.04 as your operating system for development, since it is the last version that supports ROS1 noetic, the version of the Robot Operating System we use at the moment; we will upgrade to ROS2 in future.
From now on, we assume you have already installed these components in your machine:
The following are some of the dependency libraries that you need to install before ISSPA can be compiled and run:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libuvc-dev libgoogle-glog-dev ros-noetic-costmap-2d ros-noetic-nav-core libceres-dev
You might also need to install git
to clone the ISSPA repository:
sudo apt install git
WorkSpace Setup
ISSPA is our main repository; it is recommended that you first understand its directory structure, which is necessary for later use and development.
First, open a terminal and clone the source code inside your preferred directory; we just use your user home directory /home/$USER/
as an example:
cd /home/$USER
git clone
Make sure that ROS noetic environment is correctly loaded before proceeding with the following steps. This can be done just for the current terminal session by means of the command
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
Add this command to your
file to automatically load ROS noetic in each terminal session.
Next, use the command catkin_make
to compile the workspace.
cd /home/$USER/ISSPA
Warm reminder:
Please remember to refresh the environment variables before using the program. Alternatively, storing them in
is /home/$USER/ISSPA source devel/setup.bash # echo "source ~/ISSPA/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc