- Office: Room B341, Building 5
- Tel.: +86 62661605
- Address: South Fourth Street 4#, Zhong Guan Cun
- Email:
About me
I am a research professor at State Key Laboratory of Computer Science, Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences. I am leading the probabilistic model checking team at ISCAS. My research interests include: probabilistic models, simulation reduction, decision algorithms for probabilistic simulation preorders, abstraction and model checking. I am leading the development of the severals tools including PRODeep, ROLL, and the model checker ePMC, previously known as IscasMC.
Recently, I lead the group “Trustworthy Intelligent Systems”, aiming at guaranteeing the correctness of complex intelligent systems involving both intelligent components for perception (e.g. deep neural networks) and classical components for planning, decision and control. Both are vital in safety-critical systems such as self-driving cars. I am also the director of the Sino-Europe Joint Institute of Dependable and Smart Software at the Institute of Intelligent Software in Guangzhou. Before this I was an associate professor at Language-Based Technology section, DTU Compute, Technical University of Denmark. Before this I was a postdoctoral researcher at University of Oxford. I gained a Diploma Degree and a PhD (Dr. Ing.) at Saarland University.
Professional activities
- LICS (steering committee, 2020-2023).
- TACAS 2022, PC Member.
- MEMOCODE 2021, PC Co-Chair.
- CAV 2021, PC Member.
- ICALP 2021 (Track B), PC Member.
- FM 2021, PC Member.
- FSEN 2021, PC Member.
- SAC-SVT 2021, PC Member.
- EPTCS (Editorial Board).
- LICS 2020, Conference Co-Chair.
- FMICS 2020, PC Member.
- ATVA 2020, PC Member.
- TASE 2020, PC Member.
- FORMATS 2020, PC Member.
- CONCUR 2020, PC Member.
- MMB 2020, PC Member.
- Infinity 2019, Invited Speaker.
- TACAS 2019, PC Co-Chair.
- APLAS 2019, PC Member.
- QEST 2019, PC Member.
- FM 2019, PC Member.
- SETTS 2018, Invited Speaker.
- TASE 2019, PC Member.
- FMAC 2019, PC Member.
- LICS 2018, PC Member.
- CONCUR 2018, PC Co-Chair.
- CSL 2017, PC Member.
- FoSSaCS 2017, PC Member.
- CONCUR 2016, PC Member.
- ATVA 2016, PC Member.
- FM 2016, PC Member.
- ICTAC 2016, PC Member.
- TASE 2016, PC Member.
- SynCoP 2016, PC Member.
- RP 2016, PC Member.
- APLAS 2015, PC Member.
- ATVA 2015, PC Co-Chair.
- CONCUR 2015, PC Member.
- SAC 2015, PC member.
- SETTA 2014, Publicity Chair, PC member.
- FM 2014, PC member.
- Workshop on Probabilistic and Hybrid System Verification, Co-Organizer.
- AVOCS 2013, PC member.
- CONCUR 2013, PC member.
- QEST 2013, Tutorials Chair.
- SYNT 2012 (Workshop on Synthesis), PC member.
- QEST 2011, PC member.
- Master thesis: Logic and Model Checking for Hidden Markov Models. Saarland University, 2004. BIB. :
- PhD thesis: Decision Algorithms for Probabilistic Simulations. Saarland University, 2008. BIB. :
Projects involved in the past
- At Oxford University: Automated Verification of Probabilistic Programs.
- At Saarland University: QUASIMODO, AVACS, VOSS II, ROCKS.
Students projects
- Ernst Moritz Hahn (): Parametric Markov Model Analysis, Master Thesis, Saarland University, 2008.
- Jonathan Bogdoll: An Experimental Evaluation of Probabilistic Simulation, Bachelor Thesis, Saarland University, 2008.
Teaching activities
As an instructor: (at DTU)
- Winter 2010, 2011, 2012: Model Checking.
- Summer 2011, 2012, 2013: Computer Science Modelling.
- Summer 2009: (at Saarland University) Quantitative Model Checking.
As an assistant: (at Saarland University)
- Winter 2007/08: Validation of Stochastic Systems, Programming I
- Winter 2006/07: Verification
- Summer 2006: Software-Komponenten — Software-Schnittstellen
- Winter 2005/06: Programmierung I
- Summer 2005: The software horror picture show
- Winter 2004/05: The software horror picture show
- Summer break 2004: Data Networking