TIS group

Welcome to the Trustworthy Intelligent Systems group website. The group mainly focuses on the application of formal methods on several scenarios of practical interests, like analysis of programs, verification of neural networks, and hardware correctness.

Latest news

Group members

The TIS group is led by Lijun Zhang, assisted by few faculty members and several master and Ph.D students in its research and teaching activities.

More information about the members of the TIS group can be found in the group members page.


The TIS group is very active in several research field and is focused on applying formal methods to several practical problems, such as the verification of AI and neural networks, probabilistic model checking, and software analysis. The research is resulted in a number of publications, supported by several projects, providing new theoretical results that are supported and confirmed by tools developed by the groups members.

Please check the research directions and tools page for more details.


Besides their research duties, the TIS group members are also in charge of giving courses on different topics. They lecture on discrete mathematics to first-year undergraduate students and on formal methods, reinforce learning, and algorithm design and analysis to graduate students.

Other activities

The TIS group members enjoy to take part to several other activities, such as reading groups with the students and badminton matches together with the several visitors the group is happy to host.