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How to use ROLL in JAVA Program

Below we demonstrate how to use our learner to learn the ω-regular language L=aω+ abω. Please make sure you have all dependent libraries when you use ROLL.

Prepare a BA file

Every transition label should be exactly a string.


Prepare a HANOI file

The input automaton should have only one initial state.

HOA: v1
tool: "ROLL"
properties: explicit-labels state-acc trans-labels 
States: 3
Start: 0
acc-name: Buchi
Acceptance: 1 Inf(0)
AP: 1 "b"
State: 0
  [!0] 1
  [!0] 2
State: 1 {0}
  [!0] 1
State: 2 {0}
  [0] 2

Implement a teacher

If you want to use ROLL in verification or other areas, you should design a teacher to resolve the membership and equivalence queries.

// Options instance to specify the learning algorithms etc
Options options = new Options();
//assume that the above automaton is in BA format then options.format == Format.BA
Parser parser = UtilParser.prepare(options, options.inputFile, options.format);
// get the NBA
NBA target = parser.parse();
// prepare RABIT as the BA teacher to answer queries
TeacherNBARABIT teacher = new TeacherNBARABIT(options, target);

Call a learner and specify the BA construction

// use the under-approximation method to construct a BA from an FDFA
options.approximation = Options.Approximation.UNDER;
// specify FDFA learner, here we use tree-based periodic FDFA learner
LearnerBase<NBA> learner = null;
if(options.algorithm == Options.Algorithm.NBA_LDOLLAR) {
       learner = new LearnerNBALDollar(options, nba.getAlphabet(), teacher);
}else if(options.algorithm == Options.Algorithm.PERIODIC
       || options.algorithm == Options.Algorithm.SYNTACTIC
       || options.algorithm == Options.Algorithm.RECURRENT) {
       learner = new LearnerNBALOmega(options, nba.getAlphabet(), teacher);
} else {
       throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported BA Learner");

Learning loop

        Timer timer = new Timer();
        options.log.println("Initializing learner...");
        // store the time spent by the learning algorithm
        options.stats.timeOfLearner += timer.getTimeElapsed();
        NBA hypothesis = null;
        while(true) {
            // output table or tree structure in verbose mode 
            options.log.verbose("Table/Tree is both closed and consistent\n" + learner.toString());
            hypothesis = learner.getHypothesis();
            options.log.println("Resolving equivalence query for hypothesis (#Q=" + hypothesis.getStateSize() + ")...  ");
            Query<HashableValue> ceQuery = teacher.answerEquivalenceQuery(hypothesis);
            boolean isEq = ceQuery.getQueryAnswer().get();
            if(isEq) {
                // store statistics after learning is completed
                prepareStats(options, learner, hypothesis);
            // output the returned counterexample in verbose mode
            options.log.verbose("Counterexample is: " + ceQuery.toString());
            options.log.println("Refining current hypothesis...");
            options.stats.timeOfLearner += timer.getTimeElapsed();
        options.log.println("Learning completed...");	

The complete code is the class roll.main.Executor.


We use Java profiler in the project.

how_to_use.1516774548.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/24 14:15 by admin