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PRODeep dependency

dependency for ubuntu

1) sudo apt-get install g++ qt5-default make
2) sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
3) sudo apt-get install -yqq libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev
4) git clone 
   	cd apron
   	./configure -no-ppl -no-java
     	sudo make 
     	sudo make install
5) sudo ldconfig

Install DeepG and ERAN (Optional)

If you want to add support for DeepG and ERAN, please visit DeepG to install modified verision of DeepG and ERAN. If DeepG is installed for example at /home/USERNAME/Library/deepg and the python environment for DeepG is /home/USERNAME/miniconda3/bin/python , please modify the following lines in mainui.h.

#define PYTHON_EXECUTABLE "/home/USERNAME/miniconda3/bin/python"
#define DEEPG_ROOT "/home/USERNAME/Library/deepg"

Install PLANET (Optional)

If you want to add support for PLANET verifier, please visit PLANET to install it. If the MNIST casestudy of PLANET is located in /home/USERNAME/Library/planet/casestudies/MNIST, please modify the following line in mainui.h.

#define PLANET_DIR "/home/USERNAME/Library/planet/casestudies/MNIST"

Install Reluplex (Optional)

If you want to add support for Reluplex, please visit Reluplex to install modified verision of Reluplex. If the Reluplex is located in /home/USERNAME/Library/reluplex/ReluplexCav2017, please modify the follow line in mainui.h.

#define Reluplex_ROOT "/home/USERNAME/Library/reluplex/ReluplexCav2017"

Compile PRODeep

1) cd \path\to\PRODeep
2) qmake
3) make
install.1605507530.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/16 15:44 (external edit)