Talks on Generic Topics

In these talks the students present papers on a variety of topics.Back to Start page

Title Authors Reference Papers
Faster and dynamic algorithms for maximal end-components decomposition and related graph problems in probabilistic verificationK. Chatterjee and M. Henzingerpaper
Fixed points vs. infinite generationD. Niwińskipaper
Hacking nondeterminism with induction and coinductionF. Bonchi and D. Pouspaper
First-order definable languagesV. Diekert and P. Gastinpaper
Infinite games played on finite graphsR. McNaughtonpaper
A deterministic subexponential algorithm for solving parity gamesM. Jurdziński, M. Paterson, and U. Zwichpaper
The equivalence problem for regular expressions with squaring requires exponential spaceA.R. Meyer and L.J. Stockmeyerpaper
Safra's determinization constructionK. Kumarpaper